Monday, June 25, 2012

April 2012, Ducklings

The sweet little duckings my kids had the chance to play with, they were so very soft!
Eli wasn't sure what to think of the new little creatures!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Charlee 3 weeks new & Big sis Abby just turned 3!

This little one was 3 weeks old and slept like a champ, making my job much easier then I expected.  She loved snuggling up in the basket.  As for big sis Abby, she did great, really showed her fun personality through all of her pictures!  Thank you mom and dad for giving me the opportunity to capture some amazing memories of your beautiful girls!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Finally some snow!!

Eli was all for wearing the snowman costume even though it was freezing and the snow was blowing, thank goodness he was happy through the whole process.  As for the big kids they have been outside all day with our neighbor enjoying the snow and riding the snowmobiles, this is one year when I wish we had more snow, go figure!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Luca 8 days new & Big Sis Maggie 2 yrs old!!

Little Blueberry!!
Mommy brought this bear to snuggle with Luca
Sibling love!
Daddy's request for pictures of Luca & his soccer items, so cute!
Mommy & her little man
The best Hersey kiss ever!
He fit perfectly in my antique ice skate trunk, love it!!
Who doesn't LOVE baby toes?
Big Sis Maggie turns 2!!
Little Luca was a great baby to work with, day 1 he was very content being awake and big sis was up to typical 2 yr old mischief.  So mom & I decided to get together the next day and try try again, it was a great success.  Day 2 we managed to get a few of Maggie to capture her 2 yr Birthday milestone, she was on the move but complied for a few shots.  As for Luca, he was a champ, he loved all my blankets and props, but most of all my heaters and white noise machine!!  I could have played with him all day!!  Thank you Alli for letting me capture such precious moments of your sweet little ones!! 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Andrew 1yr cake smash!

Well let's just say this little guy was a quick one, he didn't sit or stand in one spot for more then a couple seconds.  His mom got quite the workout, it sure was cute watching him run all over the place.  I do feel the hardwork paid off and we got some cute shots!!  Happy 1st Birthday Andrew!!